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` Nasyz . (:
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 / 8:59 PM
` Haha !
Shitto . (: Idk how & where to put th song . But I'll out th music here then anybody will edit th HTML & stuck it somewhere . Ha aha ! Btw , hello ! Miss you guys leyy . Haha ! :D So yeahh . 3 , 2 , 1 ! Here is ur music bbyyy ! (: Have funnn . Lollyy ! ` ♥NasyzSotty .
2A we rock!!!! :D
Monday, March 8, 2010 / 9:04 PM
Hey just back to update on today.
Looks like 2A has the spirit.We cooperated with each other,listened to the teachers(i hope) & had a great time. I wonder how many of you all think that this was worth it & might want to do this again one day? Please leave me a tag in our class blog or my blog or just text me to let me know.There is a link from this blog to my blog. 2A please let me know kays cos it's really quite important. I hope everyone had a blast & don't worry,i'm making the class tee shirt now so maybe in 1 month or so you will get it. Thanks 2A for today,let's hope all our hard work including other classes' hard work will pay off. Okies remember to leave me a tag on this blog or my blog to let me know. Hope you guys & ladies had fun today & remember to drink lots of water as the weather is getting hotter. Okies,bye.(: Labels: ♥Hannah♥ Saturday, March 6, 2010 / 4:00 PM
Hello lovelies ! Atikaaaa here . Just a short post aites . CIP on Mon . Info - Date : 8 march 2010 Venue : Yew Tee , Choa Chu Kang & Bukit Panjang Time : 2.30-5pm Attire : P.E attire Tats all . :D Chalobeteh ! Labels: ' [A]tikaaaa |
This is 2A.
Hello there. We are called Class 2A a.k.a Dexterity. We are UNITED AS ONE. We are UNIque in OUR OWN STYLE. All currently studying in Unity Secondary School. Respected :D Co-Form Teacher : Miss Li. English Language : Mr Sony. Mathematics : Mr Tan. Biology : Mrs Kumar. Chemistry : Mdm Mok. Physics : Mr Boh. Mother Tongue. Malay Language : Tamil Language : Chinese Language : Miss Li. Geography : Miss Lee. Literature : Miss Ang. History : Mrs Chua. Home Economics : Mrs Yam & Miss Hamida. D&T : Art & Craft : Mr Siva. Music : C.E. : Mrs Tay. P.E. : Mr Chia. Class - Committee. Chairperson : Fayidah. Vice-Chairperson : Brenda. Welfare Monitor : Hannah. Environment Ambassador : Han Jun & Samirah. IT Monitor : Jia Qi. C.E Monitor: Leon. Birthdays ★ ★ January Babies. ★ Annie - 18 January. ★ Samirah - 21 January. ★ Calvin - 21 January. ★ February Babies. ★ Natasha - 3 February. ★ Harni - 5 February. ★ Zheng Jie - 6 February. ★ Rabiatul - 28 February. ★ Jia Qi - 29 February. ★ March Babies. ★ Irfan - 4 March. ★ Jeyseelan - 16 March. ★ Rui Hui - 17 March. ★ Ridwan - 19 March. ★ Hannah - 27 March. ★ April Babies. ★ Sandhiya - 11 April. ★ Syafaat - 16 April. ★ Jian Cong - 17 April. ★ Haziq - 18 April. ★ Brenda - 30 April. ★ May Babies. ★ Firdaus - 1 May. ★ Yan Long - 9 May. ★ Gan Qin - 16 May. ★ Naveen - 21 May. ★ June Babies. ★ Gen Sheng - 6 June. ★ Aisha - 13 June. ★ Sindhu - 18 June. ★ Suzawanah - 19 June. ★ Vicknesh - 20 June. ★ July Babies. ★ Barween - 19 July. ★ Timmothy - 21 July. ★ Muzammil - 25 July. ★ August Babies. ★ Nasyitah - 18 August. ★ September Babies. ★ Wei Soon - 1 September. ★ Fayidah - 5 September. ★ Shakilah - 12 September. ★ Han Jun - 20 September. ★ November Babies. ★ Carmen - 13 November. ★ Atikah - 30 November. ★ December Babies . ★ Ming Hui - 10 December. ★ Qaihri - 16 December. |
Silence your harsh words.
Are you leaving so soon?Come back again.(:
Unity Secondary School.
Unity CCAC.
Annie. Barween. Brenda. Calvin. Carmen. Gan Qin. Hannah. Nasyitah. Rui Hui. Samirah. Suzawanah. Wei Soon.
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