Our rules.
No spammers.
No bad words.
Tag good comments before leaving.
Spammer ? Kick ur ass .
Sunday, August 16, 2009 / 4:35 PM
`Heyhey ! :))
Ehh , why is there no tagbox ? Tht spammer come again ? Ouhh , shuts ! Weii , not happy ahh ? Pls ahh , don't spam . Wasting ur tyme as if u don't have anything better to do . Fvck . I say , U better leave our class blog & don't disturb us again . We didn't disturb u , rite ? S0 , wth has got into you ? Crazy / mad ? Fvck those spammer(s) . Kick their asses ! Aniwaes to my lovely class ; Don't get upset yeahh . :)) Alwaes smile lyke u alwaes do . U'll look better when u smile . :)) Sweet , u know . Hehe . Ummm , see ya all arnd in school . Till here , ADIOS ! I heart {♥} 1/2 . ` Nasyz . Labels: ` Nasyz heart 1/2 . i'm so sorry my friends .
Tuesday, August 11, 2009 / 6:01 PM
Hey , Wanah here . I'm here to say sorry to all of you about the class t-shirt . It is all my fault . But we have no choice , save it for next year then . About the $$$ , I'll try my best to get it soon . Please give me some time . I apologise for that . Wasting your money on this shirt made my STUPID ME ! Haiz , just forget about it guys . Hope you all understand what am I facing now , love ya . Take care .
thank you so much !
Thursday, August 6, 2009 / 7:58 PM
Hey there ! Wanah here . I would like to thank all of you for supporting me all this while , really appreciate it a lot . Thanks for supporting Team Unity :D We appreciate it . Thanks a million . It's okay , I am fine . Don't worry to much about me okay although I fell quite badly :) Anyway have fun for National Day though . Till here , bye , love you all lots !
decision is made .
Saturday, August 1, 2009 / 10:24 PM
Hey there . So for the back of class tee , we will be putting Star as most of the us vote for it . So final decision is made . No more changes . Reminded to bring $20 by next Tuesday for the class tee . Latest by Wednesday . Okay then that's all I would say , have a nice weekend peeps , take care .
Labels: Wanah was here . |
This is 2A.
Hello there. We are called Class 2A a.k.a Dexterity. We are UNITED AS ONE. We are UNIque in OUR OWN STYLE. All currently studying in Unity Secondary School. Respected :D Co-Form Teacher : Miss Li. English Language : Mr Sony. Mathematics : Mr Tan. Biology : Mrs Kumar. Chemistry : Mdm Mok. Physics : Mr Boh. Mother Tongue. Malay Language : Tamil Language : Chinese Language : Miss Li. Geography : Miss Lee. Literature : Miss Ang. History : Mrs Chua. Home Economics : Mrs Yam & Miss Hamida. D&T : Art & Craft : Mr Siva. Music : C.E. : Mrs Tay. P.E. : Mr Chia. Class - Committee. Chairperson : Fayidah. Vice-Chairperson : Brenda. Welfare Monitor : Hannah. Environment Ambassador : Han Jun & Samirah. IT Monitor : Jia Qi. C.E Monitor: Leon. Birthdays ★ ★ January Babies. ★ Annie - 18 January. ★ Samirah - 21 January. ★ Calvin - 21 January. ★ February Babies. ★ Natasha - 3 February. ★ Harni - 5 February. ★ Zheng Jie - 6 February. ★ Rabiatul - 28 February. ★ Jia Qi - 29 February. ★ March Babies. ★ Irfan - 4 March. ★ Jeyseelan - 16 March. ★ Rui Hui - 17 March. ★ Ridwan - 19 March. ★ Hannah - 27 March. ★ April Babies. ★ Sandhiya - 11 April. ★ Syafaat - 16 April. ★ Jian Cong - 17 April. ★ Haziq - 18 April. ★ Brenda - 30 April. ★ May Babies. ★ Firdaus - 1 May. ★ Yan Long - 9 May. ★ Gan Qin - 16 May. ★ Naveen - 21 May. ★ June Babies. ★ Gen Sheng - 6 June. ★ Aisha - 13 June. ★ Sindhu - 18 June. ★ Suzawanah - 19 June. ★ Vicknesh - 20 June. ★ July Babies. ★ Barween - 19 July. ★ Timmothy - 21 July. ★ Muzammil - 25 July. ★ August Babies. ★ Nasyitah - 18 August. ★ September Babies. ★ Wei Soon - 1 September. ★ Fayidah - 5 September. ★ Shakilah - 12 September. ★ Han Jun - 20 September. ★ November Babies. ★ Carmen - 13 November. ★ Atikah - 30 November. ★ December Babies . ★ Ming Hui - 10 December. ★ Qaihri - 16 December. |
Silence your harsh words.
Are you leaving so soon?Come back again.(:
Unity Secondary School.
Unity CCAC.
Annie. Barween. Brenda. Calvin. Carmen. Gan Qin. Hannah. Nasyitah. Rui Hui. Samirah. Suzawanah. Wei Soon.
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you haven't seen enough of my life, have you?
Codes with reference from nic96ole from blogskins. Nicole's blog: SpillMyWords. Inspiration from New Creation Church. DO NOT use as basecodes, DO NOT dupilcate. DO edit for personal use. |